Zones of Regulation Song

This catchy song describes the different “Zones of Regulation” which follows a systematic behavioral model for children to use while processing emotions. It uses rhyming to represent each emotion using a color such as red, yellow, green, and blue. It begins with the color we all want to be experiencing which is green and goes into other feelings connected to it (content, happy, motivated to learn etc.) It then describes the opposite end of the emotion spectrum, which is red, and how sometimes external factors make you feel in the red zone. Lastly, it emphasizes the idea that your feelings matter and we can do specific things to help us get out of the red zone.

This song made me more familiar with the program “Zones of Regulation” and how it can be beneficial to use colors to explain how we are feeling. It reminded me that the use of a song format helps students process and remember the information being given to them. It also reviewed the idea that to understand emotion regulation, a child must first and foremost know how to identify their emotions so that they can react in the appropriate way.

The “Zones of Regulation” song is related to my guiding questions because it provides representation to emotions and how we can manage them. It also points out that the way we feel could not only be our internal processing, but the external incidents that happen to us.      

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